Development tools are much more than just a text editor and a compiler. Correct use of the right tools can drastically ease debugging and tracking down of complex problems with memory allocation and system calls, amongst other things. Some of the most commonly used tools are described below; other tools exist for more specialised use cases, and should be used when appropriate.


GCC and Clang

GCC is the standard C compiler for Linux. An alternative exists in the form of Clang, with comparable functionality. Choose one (probably GCC) to use as a main compiler, but occasionally use the other to compile the code, as the two detect slightly different sets of errors and warnings in code. Clang also comes with a static analyser tool which can be used to detect errors in code without compiling or running it; see Clang static analyser.

Both compilers should be used with as many warning flags enabled as possible. Although compiler warnings do occasionally provide false positives, most warnings legitimately point to problems in the code, and hence should be fixed rather than ignored. A development policy of enabling all warning flags and also specifying the -Werror flag (which makes all warnings fatal to compilation) promotes fixing warnings as soon as they are introduced. This helps code quality. The alternative of ignoring warnings leads to long debugging sessions to track down bugs caused by issues which would have been flagged up by the warnings. Similarly, ignoring warnings until the end of the development cycle, then spending a block of time enabling and fixing them all wastes time.

Both GCC and Clang support a wide range of compiler flags, only some of which are related to modern, multi-purpose code (e.g. others are outdated, or architecture-specific). Finding a reasonable set of flags to enable can be tricky, and hence the AX_COMPILER_FLAGS macro exists.

AX_COMPILER_FLAGS enables a consistent set of compiler warnings, and also tests that the compiler supports each flag before enabling it. This accounts for differences in the set of flags supported by GCC and Clang. To use it, add AX_COMPILER_FLAGS to If you are using in-tree copies of autoconf-archive macros, copy ax_compiler_flags.m4 to the m4/ directory of your project. Note that it depends on the following autoconf-archive macros which cannot be copied in-tree due to being GPL-licenced. They must remain in autoconf-archive, with that as a built time dependency of the project:

  • ax_append_compile_flags.m4
  • ax_append_flag.m4
  • ax_check_compile_flag.m4
  • ax_require_defined.m4

AX_COMPILER_FLAGS supports disabling -Werror for release builds, so that releases may always be built against newer compilers which have introduced more warnings. Set its third parameter to ‘yes’ for release builds (and only release builds) to enable this functionality. Development and CI builds should always have -Werror enabled.

An easy way of determining whether this is a release version of a project is to use AX_IS_RELEASE([micro-version]). If this macro is used before AX_COMPILER_FLAGS, the third parameter to AX_COMPILER_FLAGS should not be passed — it will be picked up automatically from AX_IS_RELEASE.


GDB is the standard debugger for C on Linux. Its most common uses are for debugging crashes, and for stepping through code as it executes. A full tutorial for using GDB is given here.

To run GDB on a program from within the source tree, use:

libtool exec gdb --args ./program-name --some --arguments --here

This is necessary due to libtool wrapping each compiled binary in the source tree in a shell script which sets up some libtool variables. It is not necessary for debugging installed executables.

GDB has many advanced features which can be combined to essentially create small debugging scripts, triggered by different breakpoints in code. Sometimes this is a useful approach (e.g. for reference count debugging), but sometimes simply using g_debug() to output a debug message is simpler.


Valgrind is a suite of tools for instrumenting and profiling programs. Its most famous tool is memcheck, but it has several other powerful and useful tools too. They are covered separately in the sections below.

A useful way of running Valgrind is to run a program’s unit test suite under Valgrind, setting Valgrind to return a status code indicating the number of errors it encountered. When run as part of make check, this will cause the checks to succeed if Valgrind finds no problems, and fail otherwise. However, running make check under Valgrind is not trivial to do on the command line. A macro, AX_VALGRIND_CHECK can be used which adds a new make check-valgrind target to automate this. To use it, copy ax_valgrind_check.m4 to the m4/ directory of a project, add AX_VALGRIND_CHECK to and add @VALGRIND_CHECK_RULES to the top-level

When make check-valgrind is run, it will save its results in test-suite-*.log, one log file per tool.

Valgrind has a way to suppress false positives, by using suppression files. These list patterns which may match error stack traces. If a stack trace from an error matches part of a suppression entry, it is not reported. For various reasons, GLib currently causes a number of false positives in memcheck and helgrind and drd which must be suppressed by default for Valgrind to be useful. For this reason, every project should use a standard GLib suppression file as well as a project specific one.

Suppression files are supported by the AX_VALGRIND_CHECK macro:

VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS_FILES = my-project.supp glib.supp


memcheck is a memory usage and allocation analyser. It detects problems with memory accesses and modifications of the heap (allocations and frees). It is a highly robust and mature tool, and its output can be entirely trusted. If it says there is ‘definitely’ a memory leak, there is definitely a memory leak which should be fixed. If it says there is ‘potentially’ a memory leak, there may be a leak to be fixed, or it may be memory allocated at initialisation time and used throughout the life of the program without needing to be freed.

A full tutorial on using memcheck is here.

cachegrind and KCacheGrind

cachegrind is a cache performance profiler which can also measure instruction execution, and hence is very useful for profiling general performance of a program. KCacheGrind is a useful UI for it which allows visualisation and exploration of the profiling data, and the two tools should rarely be used separately.

cachegrind works by simulating the processor's memory hierarchy, so there are situations where it is not perfectly accurate. However, its results are always representative enough to be very useful in debugging performance hotspots.

A full tutorial on using cachegrind is here.

helgrind and drd

helgrind and drd are threading error detectors, checking for race conditions in memory accesses, and abuses of the POSIX pthreads API. They are similar tools, but are implemented using different techniques, so both should be used.

The kinds of errors detected by helgrind and drd are: data accessed from multiple threads without consistent locking, changes in lock acquisition order, freeing a mutex while it is locked, locking a locked mutex, unlocking an unlocked mutex, and several other errors. Each error, when detected, is printed to the console in a little report, with a separate report giving the allocation or spawning details of the mutexes or threads involved so that their definitions can be found.

helgrind and drd can produce more false positives than memcheck or cachegrind, so their output should be studied a little more carefully. However, threading problems are notoriously elusive even to experienced programmers, so helgrind and drd errors should not be dismissed lightly.

Full tutorials on using helgrind and drd are here and here.


sgcheck is an array bounds checker, which detects accesses to arrays which have overstepped the length of the array. However, it is a very young tool, still marked as experimental, and hence may produce more false positives than other tools.

As it is experimental, sgcheck must be run by passing --tool=exp-sgcheck to Valgrind, rather than --tool=sgcheck.

A full tutorial on using sgcheck is here.

gcov and lcov

gcov is a profiling tool built into GCC, which instruments code by adding extra instructions at compile time. When the program is run, this code generates .gcda and .gcno profiling output files. These files can be analysed by the lcov tool, which generates visual reports of code coverage at runtime, highlighting lines of code in the project which are run more than others.

A critical use for this code coverage data collection is when running the unit tests: if the amount of code covered (e.g. which particular lines were run) by the unit tests is known, it can be used to guide further expansion of the unit tests. By regularly checking the code coverage attained by the unit tests, and expanding them towards 100%, you can be sure that the entire project is being tested. Often it is the case that a unit test exercises most of the code, but not a particular control flow path, which then harbours residual bugs.

lcov supports branch coverage measurement, so is not suitable for demonstrating coverage of safety critical code. It is perfectly suitable for non-safety critical code.

As code coverage has to be enabled at both compile time and run time, a macro is provided to make things simpler. The AX_CODE_COVERAGE macro adds a make check-code-coverage target to the build system, which runs the unit tests with code coverage enabled, and generates a report using lcov.

To add AX_CODE_COVERAGE support to a project, add AX_CODE_COVERAGE to The macro itself cannot be copied to the m4/ directory due to being GPL-licenced. Instead, the project must have a build time dependency on autoconf-archive (version 2014-10-15 or later).

Documentation on using gcov and lcov is here.


Coverity is one of the most popular and biggest commercial static analyser tools available. However, it is available to use free for Open Source projects, and any project is encouraged to sign up. Analysis is performed by running some analysis tools locally, then uploading the source code and results as a tarball to Coverity’s site. The results are then visible online to members of the project, as annotations on the project’s source code (similarly to how lcov presents its results).

As Coverity cannot be run entirely locally, it cannot be integrated properly into the build system. However, scripts do exist to automatically scan a project and upload the tarball to Coverity regularly. The recommended approach is to run these scripts regularly on a server (i.e. as a cronjob), using a clean checkout of the project’s git repository. Coverity automatically e-mails project members about new static analysis problems it finds, so the same approch as for compiler warnings can be taken: eliminate all the static analysis warnings, then eliminate new ones as they are detected.

Coverity is good, but it is not perfect, and it does produce a number of false positives. These should be marked as ignored in the online interface.

Clang static analyser

One tool which can be used to perform static analysis locally is the Clang static analyser, which is a tool co-developed with the Clang compiler. It detects a variety of problems in C code which compilers cannot, and which would otherwise only be detectable at run time (i.e. using unit tests).

Clang produces some false positives, and there is no easy way to ignore them. The recommended thing to do is to file a bug report against the static analyser, so that the false positive can be fixed in future.

A full tutorial on using Clang is here.


However, for all the power of the Clang static analyser, it cannot detect problems with specific libraries, such as GLib. This is a problem if (as recommended) a project uses GLib exclusively, and rarely uses POSIX APIs (which Clang does understand). There is a plugin available for the Clang static analyser, called Tartan, which extends it to support checks against some of the common GLib APIs.

Tartan is still young software, and will produce false positives and may crash when run on some code. However, it can find legitimate bugs quite quickly, and is worth running over a code base frequently to detect new errors in the use of GLib in the code. Please report any problems with Tartan.

A full tutorial on enabling Tartan for use with the Clang static analyser is here. If set up correctly, the output from Tartan will be mixed together with the normal static analyser output.

Development containers using devroot-enter

Developers who need to build packages for foreign architectures like ARM can use the Apertis devroots and the devroot-enter tool to emulate native compilation from the Apertis SDK using containers and QEMU. Devroot is file system hierarchy based on a build of the Apertis system. Devroot contains the same binaries as the target image, but with additional tools pre-installed, such as native compilers, debuggers and other development tools.

By default, the Apertis SDK ships with a pre-installed armhf devroot, but different devroots can be downloaded and used.

To enable this workflow, Apertis SDK provides devroot-enter, a wrapper for systemd-nspawn which sets up a namespace container in a devroot of user's choice. Using devroot-enter has an advantage over chroot of fully virtualising the file system hierarchy, as well as the process tree, the various IPC subsystems and the host and domain name. On the other hand, compared to full virtualisation using QEMU or VirtualBox, development containers do not provide any support for graphics, so they are better suitable for system-level development.

The devroot-enter script accepts the following arguments:

devroot-enter DEVROOT [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND [ARGS...]]
  • DEVROOT is a mandatory root directory of the devroot. This directory will be used as file system root for the container.
  • OPTIONS can be any options systemd-nspawn normally accepts. Use this to configure the container to your taste.
  • COMMAND is a command with optional arguments to run in the container; if none is specified, the default shell is run.

devroot-enter will mount a temporary directory in the container’s /tmp shadowing any existing content in that directory.

Since the binary architecture inside the devroot is different, devroot-enter unsets the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to prevent warnings from being displayed.

Apertis SDK images ship a current devroot under /opt/devroot. For a container to be useful, we recommend you to bind mount your working directory with all necessary files into the container instead of copying files over:

devroot-enter /opt/devroot --bind=/home/user/project

For more information on options you can use, see the manual page for systemd-nspawn with the man systemd-nspawn command.

Here’s an example session showing how to build dlt-daemon package using the devroot. It assumes the unpacked source tree is present in the user’s home directory, e.g. as the result of running apt source dlt-daemon.

$ devroot-enter /opt/devroot/ --bind=/home/user/dlt-daemon-2.13.0
Spawning container devroot on /opt/devroot.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
host's /etc/localtime is not a symlink, not updating container timezone.
user@devroot:/tmp$ cd /home/user/dlt-daemon-2.13.0
user@devroot:~/dlt-daemon-2.13.0$ dpkg-buildpackage -b
dpkg-buildpackage: source package dlt-daemon
dpkg-buildpackage: source version 2.13.0-0co7
dpkg-buildpackage: source distribution 17.12
dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Andrew Lee (李健秋) <>
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture armhf
 dpkg-source --before-build dlt-daemon-2.13.0
 fakeroot debian/rules clean
dh clean --buildsystem cmake --builddirectory=build
   dh_testdir -O--buildsystem=cmake -O--builddirectory=build
   dh_auto_clean -O--buildsystem=cmake -O--builddirectory=build
   dh_clean -O--buildsystem=cmake -O--builddirectory=build
 debian/rules build
dh build --buildsystem cmake --builddirectory=build
   dh_testdir -O--buildsystem=cmake -O--builddirectory=build
   dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=cmake -O--builddirectory=build
   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/user/dlt-daemon-2.13.0'
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc

Installing devroots

Sometimes, it may be necessary to install a devroot for an architecture or a version of Apertis different than that coming pre-installed with the SDK image. Since devroots are ospacks specially built each time during the build process, installing them can be done separately as described below. Apertis currently only builds armhf devroots, but this may change in future.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/directory-to-unpack-into
sudo tar -xvf ospack_<release>-<arch>-devroot_<timestamp>.tar.gz -C /opt/directory-to-unpack-into


  • <release> is the release version, e.g. 19.03
  • <timestamp> is the version of the image, e.g. 20181206.0
  • <arch> is the architecture, e.g. armhf
  • /opt/directory-to-unpack-into is the directory into which the devroot will be installed

Similarly, for the release images, replace the /daily/<release>/<timestamp>/ bit with /release/<release>/<version>/, e.g. /release/18.12/18.12.0/.

External links